My first apprentices!

Earlier this week, I was fortunate enough to have a couple of “helpers” in the kitchen with me! My cousins from Texas were here visiting and wanted to learn how to make French Macarons! They did fantastic; and for a change, I got to eat and enjoy some of the result!!!

They chose to make 4 types:  milk chocolate, champagne, lavender cream, and peach Bellini! Yum!    

Christmas Countdown!

Only 2 weeks until Christmas, so be sure to get in your order for holiday goodies with me!!

I can do pies, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and much more!!! Here are some (not all!) of the “treats” I can make for your party or get together:

•Cookies (including: sugar, chocolate chip, oatmeal, peanut butter, pumpkin chocolate chip, and more)
•Cupcakes (chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, carrot, cookies and cream, and more)
•Pies (Apple, pecan, blueberry, cherry,
•Cake pops
•Homemade “twix” bars
•Oreo truffles
•Peanut butter balls
•Cheesecake squares
•Peppermint bark
•Whoopie pies (many varieties available!)
•The list goes on!

I also have many gluten free options!